Yes I know this needs to be updated, give me some time ok? At least all
of the links are current.
January 2000 update: I'm now working full-time at Hinsdale Middle School, primarily in their computer labs as a technology aide.
John D. Buell
I was born on 29 October 1975 at 1:07 AM in Mercy Hospital, Oklahoma City,
Oklahoma, USA. I lived in Edmond, Oklahoma until early 1978, when we moved
to Newton, Kansas. It was there in November that my brother Justin was born.
That December (or it might have been Jan. 1979, I'd have to check) we moved
to Topeka, Kansas. We lived there until August of 1982, when we moved one
last time to Naperville,
From August 1982 until July 1992, I attended public schools in Naperville
Community Unit School District 203. I skipped the 1st grade right away, and
completed the 2nd and third grades at Elmwood Elementary. On April 18, 1984,
while I was on Spring Break from the third grade, I was struck and run over by
a car while trying to cross Jefferson Street in downtown Naperville. The Tibia
bone in my left leg was completely crushed, while my Fibula was broken in three places.
I was at
Edward Hospital until May 19, 1984, when I was finally released. I had to have
a cast on my leg (a full leg cast until August, and then a knee high cast after
that) until December 1984. I returned to classes in January 1985, although
due to redistricting, I began attending Maplebrook Elementary School. I must
note here that during April and May, and from August until December I was
tutored at home by Mrs. Gail Springborn.
So I completed the 4th grade back at school, though I was
forbidden for the next year (actually I think it was longer) to participate
in PE or even recess. For that second semester of fourth grade I depended on
a walker while taking physical therapy at Edward Hospital to recover my use
of my left leg.
I then attended Lincoln Junior High School for the 6th-8th grades, which were
unremarkable. In fact, and this is not meant against the teachers or
administrators (in fact, I've even done campaign work for one former Lincoln
teacher), I consider these 3 of the worst years in my life.
Then for 9th-11th grade I was at Naperville Central High School, focusing
primarily on German, math and science. In my sophomore year I first applied
for the Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange Scholarship, which I won during my
Junior year. Thus I very quickly completed my graduation requirements, and
left on 15 July 1992 to spend a year in
Life there was wonderful. I first spent a month at an orientation and language
course in Rostock, in the northeast, and then lived for the remaining 11 months
with the Oellrichs in Burscheid (a little town near Leverkusen - in the part of
the country known as Nordrhein-Westfalen).
While I was there, I studied in the 11th grade (the first of 3 years in the
"Oberstufe"), at the Marienschule Opladen, and as is required of all students
in the 11th grade there, I spent two weeks on a "Berufspraktikum," which in my
case was two weeks in a chemical laboratory at Bayer, in Leverkusen.
I left on 12 July 1993, had a re-entry program at Georgetown University, and went home again.
In August 1993, I went away to Purdue,
hoping to get into engineering. While I was there I was very active with the
Wesley Foundation, which is the United Methodist student ministry.
I volunteered for the C.O.M. and the Guru Java Coffeehouse at Wesley. But
after three semesters at Purdue I decided I really didn't like the engineering
program very much and returned home. I'm now taking classes at the
College of DuPage in
Glen Ellyn, Illinois. I've also been working, holding a job first with
Famous Footwear
from February-October of 1995, and from Nov. 1995 to Feb. 1996,
I worked for Radio Shack.
This summer, I've been working for a local White Hen Pantry, and taking two
final elective classes at COD. Effective with the Fall 1996 semester, I will
be again enrolled in classes at Purdue.
To go back to the index about me, click here.